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Din kurv 150,00 kr. (inkl. moms)
Subtotal: 150,00 kr. (inkl. moms)
Giffard Cranberry Syrup, Flaske
1 × 150,00 kr.
Subtotal: 150,00 kr. (inkl. moms)
Din kurv 150,00 kr. (inkl. moms)
Subtotal: 150,00 kr. (inkl. moms)
Giffard Cranberry Syrup, Flaske
1 × 150,00 kr.
Subtotal: 150,00 kr. (inkl. moms)
150,00 kr. (inkl. moms)
Subtotal: 150,00 kr. (inkl. moms)
Giffard Cranberry Syrup, Flaske
1 × 150,00 kr.
Subtotal: 150,00 kr. (inkl. moms)

Giffard:  “Liqueur and syrup are two essential ingredients that give cocktails their aromatic note, and thus allow your cocktail to fulfill its promise.” 

Giffard’s range has gradually become a permanent fixture in bars around the world, and there is a good reason for that – they are incredibly skilled in their profession.

Hvis du gerne vil have inspiration til en lang række alkoholfri cocktails, så kan du finde en masse opskrifter her.

Giffard’s story

It all began in the very hot summer of 1885. At the time, Émile Giffard was a dispensing chemist living in Angers (Val de Loire). He had an inventive and inquisitive mind in addition to being a gourmet. He became very interested in the digestive and refreshing properties of mint and ended up creating a pure, clear and refined white mint liqueur, which he immediately put to the test by offering guests at the Grand Hotel a sip of his drink as relief from the heat wave. After finding immediate success, Émile converted his pharmacy into a distillery and named his liqueur Menthe-Pastille in reference to the small mint candies that were very popular in those days. Five generations later, the family business still carries the GIFFARD name and is proud to maintain the high quality standards established by the original creator.


With its long history, Giffard has expanded its product range considerably, and today offers everything from syrup to tequila. But their knowledge and execution in liqueurs and syrups is still their main focus, and visible in virtually every bar worldwide.

In 2017, Giffard opened a new production area dedicated exclusively to making syrup. The place exudes Giffard’s vision: taste, quality, respect for nature and in harmony with the entire selection. The building fits into the lush area, and it creates a stpr and delicious botanical garden. Giffard draws their inspiration from here.



Their basic ingredients are fruits and plants, all of which meet the distillery’s strict quality requirements.

These fruits and plants are primarily bought in their French local area. However, specific ingredients that do not grow optimally in the local area are sourced further afield depending on the desired varieties.

Therefore, you are always sure that the very best raw materials have been used for Giffard’s products, as the company really improves quality!


The Maseratiation process at Giffard takes place in a traditional way, which protects the authentic taste of the selected fruits and plants.

To extract aromas from the fruits, they macerate in alcohol for 48 hours to 3 months depending on the time required to reach a perfect blend of fruit and alcohol. The obtained infusion is the basic ingredient in the production of liqueur.


Mixing, filtering, control. These are the required steps to quality. At Giffard, each batch must be tasted before bottling to ensure that the quality meets the high standards of the French.

They have three goals:

  • Always meet their customers’ needs with high quality
  • To develop, but at the same time be loyal to their values
  • Taking care of the environment.

They optimize energy consumption as best as possible. Water consumption is reduced and reused. Extra insulation and alternative energy sources. Natural lighting and sound reduction to take care of the employees.

Research and development

Despite their love of producing in the traditional way, Giffard has invested in a state-of-the-art laboratory which aims to anticipate, innovate, improve, test and taste new ideas. It can lift their products to even greater heights.

As they themselves say “ Natural products live and develop with time; from nature’s dedications follows a need for constant improvements to our manufacturing processes for liqueurs as well as syrups.”


Sustainability is deeply rooted in Giffard’s work culture and business model. They use maceration to make liqueurs. Here, fruits and berries are soaked to extract flavor. It is an energy-saving method, as it only requires time and not energy. In their production of glass, they use 70% recycled glass. In 2021, this meant that they saved 405 tonnes of glass – equivalent to 164 tonnes of Co2.


Their new factory is also environmentally friendly and uses solar cells, reduces water consumption and waste and collaborates with local farmers. In 2 years, they have reduced water consumption by 29%, electricity consumption by 15% and natural gas consumption by 36%. 97% of the waste left over from production is recycled. Giffard also supports the NGO 101 Fontaines, which provides free drinking water to children from Cambodia. Since 2005, 59,500 schoolchildren in 98 schools have benefited from it.




Kære kunder

Husk at vi fra den 3. juni indfører nye fragtzoner. Hvis I har nogen spørgsmål, så kontakt jeres salgskonsulenter. 


Hvis du hører til postnumre 2150, 2400, 2450, 2500, 2720 eller 2900:

Her skal du købe for mindst 3.500 kr. for at opnå fragtfri levering. Ellers pålægges et fragtgebyr på 100 kr.


Alle andre postnumre forbliver uændrede. 


New delivery zones

From June 3rd, our delivery zones will be changing. If you got any questions please contact your salesperson. 


If your postal code is 2150, 2400, 2450, 2500, 2720 or 2900:

Here, you need to make a purchase of at least 3500 DKK to qualify for free shipping. Otherwise, shipping  costs 100 DKK.


For all other postal codes not mentioned above nothing is changing.


Sprit & Co


Kære kunder

Vi holder lukket 2. pinsedag, den 20. maj for både afhentning og levering.

Du kan stadig bestille varer på salg@sprit-co.dk.


Sprit & Co


Kære kunder

Vi holder lukket Kristi Himmelfart, torsdag den 9. maj for både afhentning og levering.

Fredag den 10. maj holder vi åbent som vi plejer

Du kan stadig bestille varer på salg@sprit-co.dk.


Sprit & Co


Kære kunder

Vi holder lukket på alle helligdage (28/3, 29/3 og 1/4)

Derudover holder vi åbent, som vi pleje – også lørdag den 30/3 for afhentning.

Du kan stadig bestille varer på salg@sprit-co.dk.

Vi leverer og holder åbent den 25/3, 26/3 og 27/3.


Sprit & Co


Kære kunder

Mellem jul og nytår holder vi lukket på alle helligdage og den 23/12, 30/12 og 2/1 (pga. statusoptælling).

Derudover holder vi åbent, som vi plejer.

Du kan stadig bestille varer på salg@sprit-co.dk.

Vi leverer og holder åbent den 27/12, 28/12 og 29/12.


Sprit & Co


Kære Kunder

På onsdag den 25. oktober 2023 er vores webshop lukket.

Du kan stadig bestille varer på salg@sprit-co.dk eller på tlf. 32 11 46 38.

Vi leverer som altid.


Sprit & Co